πŸ› οΈSpin up a Tezos baking node (DEPRECATED)

This module will guide you through the complete installation and setup of your own Tezos baker on Linux, using Docker images, PPA packages, or by building from source.


Baking blocks on the Tezos blockchain requires:

  • 6,000 tez (can be achieved through delegations)

and a dedicated machine online 24/7 with at least:

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 2 CPU cores

  • 256 GB SSD drive

Set up using Docker images

In this part, we will see how to install Tezos with Docker.


Step 1 : Installation

If you don't have Docker on your machine, you can install it with the following command:

sudo apt install docker.io

and follow instructions on: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

Step 2: Let's config and run!

Run the node in detached mode (-d), as instance on the testnet "jakartanet" network with the history-mode "full" using the following command:

docker run --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v node-data-volume:/var/run/tezos/node -d -it -p 8732:8732 --name=tezos-public-node-full tezos/tezos:latest tezos-node --network=jakartanet --history-mode=full

(This command will automatically download the tezos/tezos:latest image)

(--privileged mode is only used to allow a connection with an Hardware secure module, e.g. Ledger)

(--name option to specify the name of the container)

(-v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb allows to mount USB volumes to the specified container)

(-v node-data-volume:/var/run/tezos/node mount node-data-volume to the specified container. It is where blockchain data will be stored)

--network=NETWORK selects which network to run. Possible values are: sandbox, mainnet, [testnet] (e.g., jakartanet, kathmandunet. See current testnets here). Default is mainnet.

--history-mode=MODE lets you set the mode for the node's blockchain history storage. Possible values are archive, full (default), full:N, rolling, rolling:N.

  • Archive mode retains all data since the genesis block.

  • Full mode only maintains block headers and operations allowing replaying of the chain since the genesis, if wanted. (full mode is recommended to bake. More information here)

  • Rolling mode retains only the most recent data and deletes the rest.

For both Full and Rolling modes, it is possible to adjust the number of cycles to preserve by using the :N annotation. The default number of preserved cycles is 5. The value experimental-rolling is deprecated but is equivalent to rolling which should be used instead.

(More information about node configuration here)

After 1-2 minutes, your node identity will be generated and you will be able to check if the node is bootstrapped:

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full tezos-client --endpoint bootstrapped

(Use Ctrl+C to stop logs displaying)

Step 3: Import your keys

Option 1: Import keys from a Ledger

Prerequisites: The Ledger Nano should be configured with the Tezos wallet and Tezos baking apps.

Access the "Tezos wallet" app on your ledger and list the connected Ledgers with the following command:

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full sudo tezos-client --endpoint list connected ledgers

Import a key from the Ledger:

docker exec tezos-public-node-full sudo tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device>

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device> by the path to your secret key on your ledger (four options are available to generate either tz1, tz2 or tz3 addresses).

(You will need to validate the public key hash displayed on the ledger to validate the key importation).

Option 2: Import a secret key with the tezos-client

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This option isn't recommended. Be careful when using your private keys unencrypted ⚠️⚠️⚠️

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and provide the clear private key to the tezos-client, after the keyword "unencrypted:" :

docker exec tezos-public-node-full tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> unencrypted:<your_private_key>
Step 4: Let's register as delegate

If you have a Ledger: Setup the Ledger to bake for your address

Access the "Tezos Baking" app on your ledger and then execute the following command:

(replace <key_alias> by the alias chosen in Step 3)

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full sudo tezos-client -E setup ledger to bake for <key_alias>

Validate the request on your ledger.

In both cases: Register your key as a delegate on the network

(Replace <key-alias> by the alias chosen in Step 3)

docker exec tezos-public-node-full tezos-client --endpoint register key <key_alias> as delegate
Step 5: Let's bake!

⚠ Since the Jakarta amendment, the --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote> command line toggle is mandatory. <vote> should be replaced by on, off or pass. Read more about liquidity baking in the technical documentation.

You can launch the baker with:

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full sh 
tezos-baker-013-PtJakart --endpoint run with local node /usr/local/bin/ --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote>

(In the future, you may change tezos-baker-013-PtJakart by the next protocol binary)

Check baking has started by watching the logs.

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on setting up a baker node! πŸŽ‰

Some useful commands

To see the manual of commands you can use:

docker run -it tezos/tezos:latest man

To see the various commands and options of the tezos node, use the following command:

docker run -it tezos/tezos:latest tezos-node --help

To use the client:

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full tezos-client --help


One way to run those Docker images is with Docker Compose!

Step 1: Let's launch the node and the baker !

The code below launches a full node, a baker and accuser for the Jakarta protocol. You can adapt it to run a baker and accuser for another protocol by replacing the PROTOCOL environment variable, in our case 013-PtJakart, with the desired protocol.

(full mode is recommended to bake. More information here)

version: "3.4"
    name: mainnet-node
    external: false  
    name: mainnet-client
    external: false
# You have to uncomment this section if you want to synchronize your node using a snapshot, else you can ignore or delete it.
# Replace /home/danub0/snapshot.rolling:/snapshot by the absolute path to the downloaded snapshot.
#  import:
#    image: tezos/tezos:latest
#    container_name: tezos-snapshot-import
#    command: tezos-snapshot-import
#    volumes:
#      - node_data_full:/var/run/tezos/node
#      - client_data:/var/run/tezos/client
#      - "/absolute/path/to/your_snapshot.full:/snapshot"
# If you want to run a node with history-mode=full, keep that "node_full" part, else delete it.
# You can change the version of the image of tezos in : image: tezos/tezos:v13.0
# You can change the --network=NETWORK option.
    container_name: tezos-public-node-full
    image: tezos/tezos:latest
    command: tezos-node --net-addr :9732 --rpc-addr --rpc-addr --allow-all-rpc --history-mode=full --network=jakartanet
    - '9732:9732'
    - '8732:8732'
    - "8732"
    - "9732" 
    privileged: true
     - node_data_full:/var/run/tezos/node
     - client_data:/var/run/tezos/client
     - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
    restart: on-failure
    network_mode: "host"
# If you want to run a baker, keep that "baker" part, else delete it.
# You can change the version of the image of tezos in: image: tezos/tezos:v13.0
# You can change the PROTOCOL
# You can change the vote mode between on/off/pass. pass is the mode by default
    container_name: tezos-baker
    image: tezos/tezos:latest
     - HOME=/tmp
     - NODE_HOST=
     - NODE_RPC_PORT=8732
     - PROTOCOL=013-PtJakart
    command: tezos-baker --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote pass
     - node_data_full:/var/run/tezos/node:ro
     - client_data:/var/run/tezos/client
     - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
    restart: on-failure
    network_mode: "host"
# If you want to run an accuser, keep that "accuser" part, else delete it.
# You can change the version of the image of tezos in: image: tezos/tezos:v13.0
# You can change the PROTOCOL
    container_name: tezos-accuser
    image: tezos/tezos:latest
     - HOME=/tmp
     - NODE_HOST=
     - NODE_RPC_PORT=8732
     - PROTOCOL=013-PtJakart
    command: tezos-accuser
     - node_data_full:/var/run/tezos/node:ro
     - client_data:/var/run/tezos/client
    restart: on-failure
    network_mode: "host"

Copy-paste the code above into a docker-compose.yml file, and start the node with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

To check if the node is bootstrapped:

docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full tezos-client --endpoint bootstrapped
Step 2: Import your keys

Option 1: Import keys from a Ledger

Prerequisites: The Ledger Nano should be configured with the Tezos wallet and Tezos baking apps.

Open the "Tezos wallet" app on your ledger and list the connected Ledgers with the following command:

docker exec -it tezos-baker sudo tezos-client --endpoint list connected ledgers

Import a key from the Ledger:

docker exec tezos-baker sudo tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device>

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device> by the path to your secret key on your ledger (four options are available to generate either tz1, tz2 or tz3 addresses).

Validate the public key hash displayed on the ledger to validate the key import.

Option 2: Import a secret key with the tezos-client

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This option isn't recommended. Be careful when using your private keys unencrypted ⚠️⚠️⚠️

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and provide the clear private key to the tezos-client, after the keyword "unencrypted:" :

docker exec tezos-baker tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> unencrypted:<your_private_key>
Step 3: Let's register as delegate

If you have a Ledger: Setup the Ledger to bake for your address

Open the "Tezos Baking" app on your ledger. Then execute the following command:

(Replace <key_alias> by the alias chosen earlier in Step 3)

docker exec -it tezos-baker sudo tezos-client -E setup ledger to bake for <key_alias>

Validate the request on your ledger.

In both cases: Register your key as a delegate on the network

(Replace <key-alias> by the alias chosen earlier in Step 3)

docker exec tezos-baker tezos-client --endpoint register key <key_alias> as delegate

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on setting up your baking node! πŸŽ‰

Bonus: Quick synchronization from a snapshot

If you want your node to be bootstrapped quickly, you can synchronize it with the blockchain using a snapshot.

1: Download a .full snapshot from https://snapshots-tezos.giganode.io/ in your current repository by replacing with <snapshot_url> in following command:

wget <snapshot_url>

2: Launch the node and baker daemons:

docker-compose stop import
docker-compose up -d node_full
docker-compose up -d baker
sudo docker exec -it tezos-public-node-full sh
sudo rm /var/run/tezos/data/lock

3: Stop the node, baker and accuser daemons:

docker-compose stop node_full baker accuser

4: Execute these commands to clean up data and avoid duplicates:

sudo su
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/mainnet-node/_data/data/context
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/mainnet-node/_data/data/store
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/mainnet-node/_data/data/lock

(do Ctrl+d to quit su mode)

5: In the .yml file presented in Step 1, replace "/absolute/path/to/your_snapshot.full:/snapshot" by the absolute path to the downloaded snapshot. You can use pwd command to know the absolute path of your current repository. (Read the comment in the .yml file in Step 1)

6: Upload the snapshot into the mainnet-node volume:

docker-compose up import

You will have to wait ~1-2 hours to import a full snapshot.

7: Start synchro from snapshot:

docker-compose stop import
docker-compose up -d node_full baker accuser

Set up using PPA with Tezos packages from Serokell

If you’re using Ubuntu, you can install packages with Tezos binaries from a Launchpad PPA.

Step 1: Installation

In order to add the stable release PPA repository to your machine, do:


Then choose the desired protocol for your baker/accuser (you probably want to replace "013-PtJakart" by the latest protocol version):


Then, to install the binaries, run the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository -y $REPO && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y tezos-client
sudo apt-get install -y tezos-node
sudo apt-get install -y tezos-baker-$PROTOCOL
sudo apt-get install -y tezos-accuser-$PROTOCOL
Step 2: Let's config and run !

It is possible to define the directory where the data will be stored with --data-dir (by default, it is in .tezos-node).

--network=NETWORK Select which network to run. Possible values are: sandbox, mainnet, [testnet] (e.g., jakartanet, kathmandunet. See current testnets here). Default is mainnet.

--history-mode=MODE Set the mode for the chain's data history storage. Possible values are archive, full (default), full:N, rolling, rolling:N.

  • Archive mode retains all data since the genesis block.

  • Full mode only maintains block headers and operations allowing replaying the chain since the genesis if wanted. (full mode is recommended to bake. More information here)

  • Rolling mode retains only the most recent data and deletes the rest.

For both Full and Rolling modes, it is possible to adjust the number of cycles to preserve by using the :N annotation. The default number of preserved cycles is 5. The value experimental-rolling is deprecated but is equivalent to rolling which should be used instead.

(More information about node configuration here)

For example, the following command configures the node for the Jakartanet Network and stores data in the specified directory ~/tezos-ithacanet with the full mode.

tezos-node config init --data-dir ~/tezos-jakartanet --network=jakartanet --history-mode=full

You can run the node with :

tezos-node run --rpc-addr --log-output tezos.log

The parameter --rpc-addr url:port activate the RPC interface that will allow communication with the node. By default, it runs on port 8732 so it is not mandatory to specify it. The file tezos.log will be saved in /home/user/

Step 3: Check synchronization βœ…

The Tezos client can be used to interact with the node. It can query its status or ask the node to perform some actions. For example, after starting your node, you can check if it has finished synchronizing with the following command (you can use another terminal window if you still watch the log) :

tezos-client -E bootstrapped

(-E option is equal to --endpoint option)

When you see the message "Node is Bootstrapped", your Tezos node is synchronized with the blockchain, and you may now perform operations on it !

Step 4: Import your keys

Option 1: Import keys from a Ledger

Prerequisites: The Ledger Nano should be configured with the Tezos wallet and Tezos baking apps.

Access the "Tezos wallet" app on your ledger and list the connected Ledgers with the following command:

tezos-client --endpoint list connected ledgers

Import a key from a Ledger with the following command:

tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device>

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device> by the path to your secret key on your ledger (four options are available to generate either tz1, tz2 or tz3 addresses).

Validate the public key hash displayed on the ledger to validate the key import.

Option 2: Import a secret key with the tezos-client

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This option isn't recommended. Be careful when using your private keys unencrypted ⚠️⚠️⚠️

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and provide the clear private key to the tezos-client, after the keyword "unencrypted:" :

tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> unencrypted:<your_private_key>

Step 5: Let's register as delegate

If you have a Ledger: Setup the Ledger to bake for your address

Access the "Tezos Baking" app on your ledger and then do execute the following command:

(Replace <key_alias> by the alias chosen in step 4)

sudo tezos-client -E setup ledger to bake for my-key-alias <key-alias-or-ledger-uri>

You will need to validate the request on your ledger.

In both cases: Register your key as a delegate on the network

(Replace <key-alias> by the alias chosen in step 4)

tezos-client --endpoint register key <key_alias> as delegate
Step 6: Let's bake!

⚠ Since the Jakarta amendment, the --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote> command line toggle is mandatory. <vote> should be replaced by on, off or pass. Read more about liquidity baking in the technical documentation.

You can launch the baker with:

tezos-baker-013-PtJakart --endpoint run with local node /home/<user>/.tezos-node --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote>

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on setting up your baking node! πŸŽ‰

Bonus: Quick synchronization from a snapshot

If you want your node to be bootstrapped quickly, you can synchronize it with the blockchain using a snapshot.

1: Download a .full snapshot from https://snapshots-tezos.giganode.io/ in your current repository by replacing with <snapshot_url> in following command:

wget <snapshot_url>

2: Register the current directory in a variable:


3: Import from the snapshot !

(Replace <name_of_snapshot_file>)

tezos-node snapshot import $path/<name_of_snapshot_file>

(It is possible to define the directory where the data will be stored with --data-dir <directory>, by default, it is in .tezos-node)

4: You can get some information with the following command:

tezos-node snapshot info $path/<name_of_snapshot_file>

Set up by building from source

In this part, we will see how to install Tezos from source.

The easiest way to build the binaries from the source code is to use the OPAM source package manager for OCaml.

This method is recommended for advanced users as it requires basic knowledge of the OPAM package manager and the OCaml packages workflow. In particular, upgrading Tezos from release to release might require tinkering with different options of the OPAM package manager to adjust the local environment for the new dependencies.

Step 1 : Install OPAM

First, you need to install the OPAM package manager, at least version 2.0, that you can get by following the install instructions.

The quickest way to get the latest opam up and working is to run this script :

bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh)"

(If you have trouble with curl, just download the script and run sh install.sh)

For the next command line, answers the prompts with 'N' then 'y'. You may also be prompted for your sudo password. You may encounter a "switch" error, but you can ignore it.

opam init --bare
Step 2 : Install Rust

Compiling Tezos requires the Rust compiler, version 1.52.1, and the Cargo package manager for Rust to be installed. If you have rustup installed, you can use rustup to install both. If you do not have rustup, please avoid installing it from Snapcraft; you can rather follow the simple installation process shown below:

cd $HOME
wget https://sh.rustup.rs/rustup-init.sh
chmod +x rustup-init.sh
./rustup-init.sh --profile minimal --default-toolchain 1.52.1 -y

Once Rust is installed, note that your PATH environment variable (in .profile) may be updated and you will need to restart your session so that changes can be taken into account. Alternatively, you can do it manually without restarting your session with the following command :

. $HOME/.cargo/env
Step 3 : Install Zcash Parameters

Tezos binaries require the Zcash parameter files to run. This is for shielded/confidential transactions with Sapling, that were added in the Edo amendment. If you compile from source and move Tezos to another location (such as /usr/local/bin), the Tezos binaries may prompt you to install the Zcash parameter files. The easiest way is to download and run this script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zcash/zcash/master/zcutil/fetch-params.sh
chmod +x fetch-params.sh
Step 4 : Install Tezos dependencies

Install the libraries that Tezos is dependent on:​

sudo apt-get install -y rsync git m4 build-essential patch unzip wget pkg-config libgmp-dev libev-dev libhidapi-dev opam jq zlib1g-dev bc autoconf

Get the source code:

git clone https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos.git
cd tezos
git checkout latest-release

Install tezos dependencies :

make build-deps

You may encounter a "switch" error, but you can ignore it.

You may encounter failures in the processes of the make build-deps command. In that case, just re-type the command "opam init --bare" to re-initiate.

Step 5 : Compile sources

Compile sources:

eval $(opam env)
Step 6 : Check installation

To check the installation you can use the following commands:

tezos-node --version
Step 7: Let's config and run !

It is possible to define the directory where the data will be stored with --data-dir (by default, it is in .tezos-node).

--network=NETWORK Select which network to run. Possible values are: sandbox, mainnet, [testnet] (e.g., jakartanet, kathmandunet. See current testnets here). Default is mainnet.

--history-mode=MODE Set the mode for the chain's data history storage. Possible values are archive, full (default), full:N, rolling, rolling:N.

  • Archive mode retains all data since the genesis block.

  • Full mode only maintains block headers and operations allowing replaying the chain since the genesis if wanted. (full mode is recommended to bake. More information here)

  • Rolling mode retains only the most recent data and deletes the rest.

For both Full and Rolling modes, it is possible to adjust the number of cycles to preserve by using the :N annotation. The default number of preserved cycles is 5. The value experimental-rolling is deprecated but is equivalent to rolling which should be used instead.

(More information about node configuration here)

For example, the following command configure the node for the Jakartanet Network and stores data in the specified directory ~/tezos-ithacanet with the full mode.

tezos-node config init --data-dir ~/tezos-jakartanet --network=jakartanet --h

You can run the node with :

tezos-node run --rpc-addr --log-output tezos.log &

The parameter --rpc-addr url:port activate's the RPC interface that will allow communication with the node. By default, it runs on port 8732, so it is not mandatory to specify it. The file tezos.log will be saved in /home/user/

Step 8: Check synchronization βœ…

The Tezos client can be used to interact with the node. It can query its status or ask the node to perform some actions. For example, after starting your node, you can check if it has finished synchronizing with the following command (you can use another terminal window if you still watch the log) :

tezos-client -E bootstrapped

(-E option is equal to --endpoint option)

When you see the message "Node is Bootstrapped", your Tezos node is synchronized with the blockchain, and you may now perform operations on it !

Step 9: Import your keys

Option 1: Import keys from a Ledger

Prerequisites: The Ledger Nano should be configured with the Tezos wallet and Tezos baking apps.

Access the "Tezos wallet" app on your ledger and list the connected Ledgers with the following command:

tezos-client --endpoint list connected ledgers

Import a key from a Ledger with the following command:

tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device>

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and <ledger://path/to/the/secret/key/on/your/device> by the path to your secret key on your ledger (four options are available to generate either tz1, tz2 or tz3 addresses).

Validate the public key hash displayed on the ledger to validate the key import.

Option 2: Import a secret key with the tezos-client

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This option is not recommended. Be careful when using your private keys unencrypted ⚠️⚠️⚠️

You have to replace<key_alias> by the alias of your choice, and provide the clear private key to the tezos-client, after the keyword "unencrypted:" :

tezos-client --endpoint import secret key <key_alias> unencrypted:<your_private_key>

Step 10: Let's register as delegate

If you have a Ledger: Setup the Ledger to bake for your address

Access the "Tezos Baking" app on your ledger and then do execute the following command:

(Replace <key_alias> by the alias chosen in step 9)

sudo tezos-client -E setup ledger to bake for my-key-alias <key-alias-or-ledger-uri>

Validate the request on your ledger.

In both cases: Register your key as a delegate on the network

(Replace <key-alias> by the alias chosen earlier in step 9)

tezos-client --endpoint register key <key_alias> as delegate
Step 11: Let's bake !

⚠ Since the Jakarta amendment, the --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote> command line toggle is mandatory. <vote> should be replaced by on, off or pass. Read more about liquidity baking in the technical documentation.

You can launch the baker with:

tezos-baker-013-PtJakart --endpoint run with local node /home/<user>/.tezos-node --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote <vote>

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on setting up your baking node! πŸŽ‰

Step 1 : Install OPAM

First, you need to install the OPAM package manager, at least version 2.0, that you can get by following the install instructions.

The quickest way to get the latest opam up and working is to run this script :

bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam/master/shell/install.sh)"

(If you have trouble with curl, just download the script and run sh install.sh)

For the next command line, answers the prompts with 'N' then 'y'. You may also be prompted for your sudo password. You may encounter a "switch" error, but you can ignore it.

opam init --bare
Step 2: Get an environment
wget -O latest-release:version.sh https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/raw/latest-release/scripts/version.sh

The binaries need a specific version of the OCaml compiler (see the value of variable $ocaml_version in file /tezos/scripts/version.sh).

source latest-release:version.sh
opam switch create for_tezos $ocaml_version
eval $(opam env)

If you get a "c compiler error", run this to install some necessary tools:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
Step 3: Get dependencies

In order to get the system dependencies of the binaries, do:

opam depext tezos
Step 4: Install binaries
opam install tezos

Now follow Steps 6-7-8-9-10-11 of "From scratch method"

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations on setting up your baking node! πŸŽ‰

Bonus: Quick synchronization from a snapshot

If you want your node to be bootstrapped quickly, you can synchronize it with the blockchain using a snapshot.

1: Download a .full snapshot from https://snapshots-tezos.giganode.io/ in your current repository by replacing with <snapshot_url> in following command:

wget <snapshot_url>

2: Register the current directory in a variable:


3: Import from the snapshot !

(Replace <name_of_snapshot_file>)

tezos-node snapshot import $path/<name_of_snapshot_file>

(It is possible to define the directory where the data will be stored with --data-dir <directory>, by default it is in .tezos-node)

4: You can get some information with the following command:

tezos-node snapshot info $path/<name_of_snapshot_file>

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Be careful when closing terminal windows because this stops the node. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ (hint: use screen, or nohup to keep the node running)

Last updated