This repository provides an implementation of Whitelist interface proposed in the TZIP-15 written in SmartPy: Python library for constructing Tezos SC and compiled to Michelson code. The contract is migrated from the Lorentz whitelisting contract.
💡 Why a whitelist contract?
The purpose of the Whitelist contract is to validate transfers so the token's contract holder can control which users can perform such operations. The Whitelist contract contains a list of users and entities that have satisfied the euroTz KYC/AML compliance procedures and thus are eligible to hold euroTz Tokens.
🔔 Specifications
As userID, we use the user's public key hash, e.g. a tz1 address.
The whitelist contract is deployed separately from our euroTz contract.
The assertion entrypoints are called from euroTz contract, without requiring callbacks since they call FAILWITH when they fail.
How does our wrapper whitelist SC work?
🎥 Main scenarios:
Issuer may transfer to bobONLY if bob's is an asserted receiver, in other words, bob must be added to the users big_map and his whitelistID must be set and unrestricted in the whitelists big_map.
Alice may transfer to BobONLY if bob and Alice are asserted users AND Bob's whitelistID is in Alice's allowedWhitelists.
Whitelist Smart Contract: SetAdmin Entrypoint testsinitialAdmin: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk------------------------------------------------------------MESSAGE STATEMENT: only admin may update✓ Update admin asnon-admin / Should fail (4409ms)OpHash : oo5ofnco8QxcMtjm4Xo3Px93knyssQBLhL2bCTeKHUSbpWW7fX3Admin from storage: tz1XrCvviH8CqoHMSKpKuznLArEa1yR9U7ep✓ Update admin asadmin / Shouldsucceed (27855ms)OpHash : oom91CsjUhFs9ThaSP2S2NgtYK4UT5HnceEHwr27i6bn3kvxeMXAdmin from storage: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk✓ Reset old admin asadmin / Shouldsucceed (46817ms)3passing (1m)✨ Done in 82.75s.
yarn test-setIssuer # Test setIssuer entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: SetIssuer Entrypoint testsinitialIssuer: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk------------------------------------------------------------MESSAGE STATEMENT: only admin may update✓ Update issuer asnon-admin / Should fail (5824ms)OpHash : ooERfBcJPaByiUdrhvidyHZEkZ2ki68LbVMz2mbPWrSJMfDwvzUIssuer from storage: tz1XrCvviH8CqoHMSKpKuznLArEa1yR9U7ep✓ Update issuer asadmin / Shouldsucceed (38408ms)OpHash : oooiEXQCbmtAFYZpqvDKbJzeyXvYGYqWatTfGxCYdxxZona1gZzIssuer from storage: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk✓ Reset old issuer asadmin / Shouldsucceed (52151ms)3passing (2m)✨ Done in 101.61s.
yarn test-addUser # Test addUser entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: AddUser Entrypoint testsMESSAGE STATEMENT: only admin may update✓ Add user asnon-admin / Should fail (2832ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: issuer is not a user✓ Add Issuer asastandarduserasadmin / Shouldfail (3734ms)OpHash : opVy3boRogtgpU2fz4wjgMwNEYxogymqGRqsUFzPdc7WChEzviq✓ Add User with None asadmin / Shouldsucceed (16585ms)OpHash : ooZvAefYT4Q7bqi8K2AJQY1QWi3neMZVxEVqXGeAzsN52pHVKtzuserWhitelistID:10✓ Add user with Some asadmin / Shouldsucceed (116256ms)4passing (2m)✨ Done in 142.39s.
yarn test-setWhitelistOutbound # Test setWhitelistOutbound entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: SetWhitelistOutbound Entrypoint testsMESSAGE STATEMENT: only admin may update✓ Set Whitelist Outbound asnon-admin / Should fail (3120ms)OpHash: ooczsae6WA6xDTGYVhUuk4SS1WC55CFeqcBtPkdhGkVQjfqnrR6whitelistDetails: { allowed_whitelists: [], unrestricted:true }✓ Set Whitelist Outbound asadminwithSome / Shouldsucceed (177318ms)OpHash: onjtUV2b4KWD67hNawDmKkndh1Hwa4JWDYmg83iXCrhn4ZDrGMBwhitelistDetails: {allowed_whitelists: [ 555 ], unrestricted:true}✓ Update existing outbound whitelists asadmin / Shouldsucceed (36756ms)OpHash: oooTfhZYiiMQUjPpsTMXXdH6KUUQu6a5a4KDqV2k9BPaha798o6✓ Remove outbound whitelist asadmin / Shouldsucceed (25887ms)4passing (4m)✨ Done in 247.35s.
Informative entrypoints
yarn test-viewEntryPoints # Test getters entryPoints
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: Informative Entrypoints testsviewOpHash : ooZZfDBazuXBiUsE2Vc3NAfg6f9eWPFdA6RooXqDtguajvpFGiYAdmin from view contract storage: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk✓ Get Admin Address / Should succeed (84910ms)viewOpHash : oofULds4jJv6DyWw6v2nnh3FCogfgZhNvPwPTyica45zZzQAvzDIssuer from view contract storage: tz1SVqTz7entj982jDSKcTQNgT7f2cg7C8dk✓ Get Issuer Address / Should succeed (16055ms)viewOpHash : op2rGJ3L2oczuUnkfshRetWgAkGSj2Zr6nahuGyzbAHfSJ3wNpwWhitelist details from view contract storage: { allowed_whitelists: [], unrestricted:true }✓ Get WhitelistDetails / Should succeed (111324ms)viewOpHash : onq4VEiZ6q3SVKp8p1k7fya7auSL2m8WNaaUiphGi6XdJ2hv1NPwhiteListID from view contract storage:444✓ Get User whitelist ID/ Should succeed (75185ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist not found✓ Get inexistent WhitelistDetails / Should fail (2839ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: user not found✓ Get inexistent User / Should fail (4059ms)6passing (5m)✨ Done in 302.18s.
Assertion entrypoints
⚠️In order to mint some euroTz tokens to the Issuer, you must launch the assertReceiver test before the assertTrasnfer one.
yarn test-assertReceiver # Test assertReceiver entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: AssertReceiver Entrypoint testsopHash : onsWLrfWngr7PGLjYTJWUE5Fn1N2pGcd8uWPXQb1b2G9TCRqLKn✓ Assert receiver Issuer - Admin mints 50 euroTz to the Issuer / Should succeed (66577ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert receiver inexistent User - Admin tries to mint 40 euroTz to an inexistent user / Should fail (4432ms)OpHash : op5bsabpVa8FNszZJWmXi5TpDyYjz3AViovU1J3dMafo3Vha6m7✓ Admin adds Ouss in users big_map (26387ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist does not exist✓ Assert receiver existing User, his associated whitelistID don t refer to an existing whitelist - Admin tries to mint 40 euroTz / Should fail (5517ms)OpHash : oodR5jieVi7enfGoVkUZcJdVnep5fyya7DFGQ576rJZzbtSEoAs✓ Admin sets Ouss s whitelist outbound initally restricted (26856ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound restricted✓ Assert receiver existing User, his associated whitelist is restricted - Admin tries to mint 40 euroTz to whitelisted restricted user (Ouss) / Should fail (2814ms)OpHash : oneyu5hcCPQopgvuQ2KsV4AjJLrNjkh2iKCWi96tuB9VceChcJX✓ Admin sets Ouss s whitelist outbound unrestricted (106327ms)opHash : ooRxZ5HtiEfwtSrMpYgzJ6qWyt6qap87ThpRFP2mNpfjyughTH9✓ Assert receiver existing User, the associated whitelistID refers to an existing whitelist and unrestricted - Admin mints 50 euroTz to Ouss: whitelisted unrestricted user / Should succeed (26285ms)8passing (4m)✨ Done in 270.13s.
yarn test-assertReceivers # Test assertReceivers entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: AssertReceivers Entrypoint testsMESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert receivers with one inexistent user / Should fail (3127ms)OpHash : ooHWW4VusZTuiDREUuXefX7rLbAQw1PZe38Vz8qJXJDdMTTeCDc✓ Admin adds Khaled in whitelst contract (75338ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist does not exist✓ Assert receivers with one user s whitelistID don t refer to an existing whitelist / Should fail (3524ms)OpHash: oo5W1bhrJmmSrv97mc5mS3Ee7Kqgbgu71vxJTYh1JW4jpM7QgZx✓ Admin sets Khaled s whitelist outbound restricted (26590ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound restricted✓ Assert receivers with one user s whitelist restricted / Should fail (6387ms)OpHash : opZcnwmQvBPiHReqad11vSB3iFZbto4i5aBsUAH1Ck8k23gxCoQ✓ Admin sets Khaled s whitelist outbound unrestricted (55717ms)OpHash: opCXZZmrC4esizqy5trQgTPv3gKv4yE7SHmXMpXRzfgvWcgufV9✓ Assert receivers: all users are existing and unrestricted / Sould succeed (35641ms)7passing (5m)✨ Done in 324.29s.
yarn test-assertTrasnfer # Test assertTrasnfer entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: AssertTransfer Entrypoint testsMESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert Transfer from Issuer to an inexistent user - Issuer tries to transfer 9 euroTz to Fred / Should fail (3379ms)OpHash : oozZLubPscjt5ed9YaQi61Mfq94xNLAYC6bruTy3u2zHvcZSDcR✓ Admin adds Fred in whitelst contract (91502ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist does not exist✓ Assert Transfer from Issuer to an existing user with whitelistID don t refer to an existing whitelist - Issuer tries to transfer 9 euroTz to Fred / Should fail (5575ms)OpHash: ooykfX3jCuioSabk69PV9BpLdxT5BCT7sbJMZB2sRH4sAogk6sW✓ Admin sets Fred s whitelist outbound initally restricted (18412ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound restricted✓ Assert Transfer from Issuer to existing, restricted user - Issuer tries to transfer 9 euroTz to Fred / Should fail (7536ms)OpHash: opMY1NtPZC9tmJAP2PCZqXQ6jfzKL6S5XDVvJpu6sYNjPHf8qvD✓ Admin sets Fred s whitelist outbound unrestricted (36973ms)euroTzTrasnferOpHash: onxrnAwMs63ZvQKvG5T2GVhohfTuWdVcbKFLq9qQwzPgzTww5tS✓ Assert Transfer from Issuer to an existing, unrestricted user - Issuer transfers 9 euroTz to Fred / Should succeed (27318ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert Transfer from existing to an inexistent user - Fred tries to transfer 3 euroTz to Safwen / Should fail (4771ms)OpHash : ooeXt7h7WrTsWNhFvwM4MJngD4pWb6eoCiLyDw3GmztBG1WkQU3✓ Admin adds Safwen in whitelst contract (77621ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist does not exist✓ Assert Transfer between: Two existing users with sender s whitelistID don t refer to an existing whitelist - Fred tries to transfer 3 euroTz to Safwen / Should fail (3318ms)OpHash: op6oNdbhSAKixx795dQrogrDC9hzKYJissrJVBZbVeZ4Ldij8Kf✓ Admin sets Safwen s whitelist outbound unrestricted (106412ms)OpHash: oobQx7dVeYVtTBs9WSSiBBD4onMQPcHcXwCSwc1nJgDqL7a9hU6✓ Admin sets Fred s whitelist outbound restricted (61054ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound restricted✓ Assert Transfer between: Two existing users while sender is restricted - Fred tries to transfer 3 euroTz to Safwen / Should fail (3590ms)OpHash : ooYvVeAkfasz18E7F935WYeG1B5Ur9RgjHWhJr4ohqtAoxPtDHD✓ Admin sets Fred s whitelist outbound unrestricted and contains Safwen (31729ms)euroTzTrasnferOpHash : oorXEA6UpHcQhaFYp51sT11SYf6mpDMbvYDXKfwGawbUDEe5fKP✓ Assert Transfer between: Two existing users, sender and receiver are unrestricted, receiver s whitelistID is in the sender s whitelist - Fred transfers 3 euroTz to Safwen / Should succeed (22084ms)15passing (8m)✨ Done in 507.14s.
yarn test-assertTrasnfers # Test assertTrasnfers entryPoint
Test Output:
Whitelist Smart Contract: AssertTrasnfers Operation TestingMESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert list of transfers with one inexistent sender / Should fail (4333ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: user not on a whitelist✓ Assert list of transfers with one inexistent receiver / Should fail (2927ms)OpHash : opTmp7RmzQS3BypxzahgsjtzemypbLVXiepgsNGgXHqzJGLwecg✓ Admin adds Daly to users big_map in whitelist contract (16347ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: whitelist does not exist✓ Assert list of transfers with one sender s whitelistID don t refer to an existing whitelist / Should fail (3160ms)OpHash: oo9HkTbzfvffz8Zi6Avj4rAXqDysC4TtnpcDZt3zEde4vGKRQxU✓ Admin sets Daly s whitelist outbound restricted (25520ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound restricted✓ Assert list of transfers with one restricted sender & restricted receiver / Should fail (2629ms)OpHash: op5s6LJTAPrBZ5FvDvNz5KC1V3mpHquef2N5BYP5deFhi5c6FLG✓ Admin sets Daly s whitelist outbound unrestricted (74910ms)MESSAGE STATEMENT: outbound not whitelisted✓ Assert list of transfers with one transfer where the receiver s whitelistID is not in the sender s whitelist / Should fail (2550ms)OpHash: opEixE7d7tZF9XUcBP7ob6fSj91ifiYm4g4CBuFe43sszKK1TdP✓ Admin adds Thib to Daly s whitelist (34924ms)OpHash: oo7ss2kbjivZvchJKRUWdyDGa5LTCJ6Ditb5jFUX6h7wj6pCWVS✓ Assert list of transfers: all senders & receivers are existing and unrestricted, all receivers are whitelisted in the senders' whitelists / Should succeed (2662ms)10passing (8m) ✨ Done in 490.57s.
👮 Roles:
Admin: the contract's owner and manager, he can:
• Set a new contract's admin;
• Set a new contract's issuer;
• Add / Update / Delete any user in the users big_map;
• Add / Update / Delete any whitelist in the whitelists big_map.
• Can't be explicitly added to users;
• Is always unrestricted;
• Whose allowedWhitelists is the set of ALL whitelistId's
🔗 Implementations
An implementation of wrapping and non-wrapping forms in Lorentz may be found here
A partial implementation of the compile-time wrapping form in LIGO may be found here